Never been easier to create a digital magazine

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Full text editor online

Comfortable full-screen editing . At the option of inserting images you can choose the size, position , etc. and even resize the image . You can set the date and time of your publication with a single click , even the location on the cover. It is also important management review, the system detects alone the spam but you can always manage manually. A useful feature for some customers is importing items in Word format.

Media manager

Includes images, create albums and publish them as galleries , insert audio and video content ( SoundCloud , YouTube and Vimeo ), the system automatically detects the content from a link. Everything you need to your article make it as interactive as possible .

Other contents

Also you can add polls , profiles , events and agenda. Support for content and Servimedia Europa Press . For other agencies such as Reuters , Reuters, AFP , AP, Colpisa , Interagency , etc. an additional cost will depend on the contracted service will be estimated .

Work as a team

Bigpress is designed to work in a digital writing with many authors, where everyone has a role concrete : writers, editors and contributors from the geographical location of their choice , will work a comfortable and efficient Create an online writing with all your equipment will be drafting the future.

Great graphics capabilities

Just drag and drop get the desired result and customize the design of the covers to your needs. The cover editor is based on configurable widgets without knowledge of HTML. you can layout your magazine to blow clicks. A generator of magazine that will facilitate your everyday life . You can create your cover of your magazine in seconds.

Column manager

Organizes the content into sections and manages the columns of each section.


You can customize the color , size , margins , fonts (including a kit attractive sources) as if you were using Indesign or Photoshop, without coding.

Avaliable widgets

Allow the maquetador combine them in infinite ways . Following is a list of widgets CMS Bigpress available . All these have multiple options to adjust the layout and organization:
Popular articles
Social networks
Images and albums

Integrate other websites

Integra in your magazine an online store as well as a supplement or an independent publication . You can integrate design publications .

Other tools

Creating blogs , support for cartoons , reader comments on the news, template editor , image manager , etc.

Editable templates for developers

If you're a web developer or know how to program code, you can edit the templates . If you have designer we can put one at your disposal.

Stay connected with your readers

Take advantage of social networks

We support social networks used by your visitors . Widgets social networking and sharing of items .


Readers can subscribe through Feedly and other feed readers . We have RSS by section, author or tag .

Hazlo móvil

The percentage of visitors received from mobiles and tablets is growing every year . You can offer a mobile version of your visitors and native applications for Android and iPad / iPhone.

Automatic SEO

Increase traffic to your digital publication. URLs with keywords. Headers and design optimization for SEO . Support for tags and hub pages to achieve a high ranking on specific thematic . Automatic generation of file robots and Google Sitemaps. Integration with Google News. Public profiles authors (that you will love your collaborators) .


Puedes emplear Mailchimp para enviar boletines con actualizaciones a tus lectores. A través del widget de portada puedes suscribirse fácilmente.

Monetize your publication


We have own advertising manager with which you can easily and efficiently manage all your clients form . Create advertising areas within the publication to insert different types of ads in each of them . We also support Doubleclick ad servers , OpenX , Adsense and others

Paid contents

Create a private area for subscribers with exclusive content and purchasing management subscriptions